The Library at St Catherine’s is a key part of learning for both students and teachers. It offers a variety of current reading materials and resources to help children enjoy reading and appreciate literature. These resources also match the Australian Curriculum. The Teacher Librarian and classroom teachers work together to make sure the resources are used well. Classes have planned Library lessons that include literature appreciation, analysis, and how to use electronic resources for research.
Each class has a weekly time to borrow books. Students in Prep to Year 3 must use a waterproof St Catherine’s Library bag, and it's highly recommended for all students. The Library is open during some lunch hours for research, borrowing, and quiet reading, and in the morning for returning books.
Borrowing Limits
Prep to Year 2 - 2 books
Year 3 to Year 6 - 3 books or e-publications downloaded using Overdrive
Lost Books
Overdue notices are printed regularly. If students have books that are long overdue, their borrowing rights are suspended until the book is returned or a replacement fee is paid. If books are damaged, a fee will be charged to cover the replacement costs.
Parent Help
Parent help in the Library Resource Centre is always welcome. The school has a nice tradition of parents who regularly help with book covering. Assistance is also very welcome during our annual Book Fair in Term 3.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2023)